
As part of its plan to develop Al-Malam locality and transition from recovery to a comprehensive development plan, MDPD has allocated a significant amount of support from the King Abdullah Humanitarian Foundation to develop the education sector. The first phase of the project includes the construction of 15 primary schools, along with 15 middle schools […]
Al-Malam Umbrella of Local CSOs

In 2017, MDPD worked closely with USAID in establishing Al-Malam Umbrella, a wide local network of more than 40 grassroots community organization in Darfur, the main goal was to strengthening the capacity of the local NGOs in South Darfur and increasing citizen engagement – including women, youth and other marginalized groups- in the transitional period […]

Agriculture and animal production are the main occupations of most of the population of South Darfur and other Darfur states. Agriculture and animal production are also the basis for socio-economic activities in all rural areas. South Darfur has a population of approximately 3.6 million, 80% of whom practice agriculture and livestock. The arable land in […]

As part of the funding it received from the King Abdullah Humanitarian Foundation, MDPD developed a plan to provide the necessary health services in Al-Malam. The project includes the construction of advanced primary health care units in the villages of Keila and Turbah, and the construction of a specialized hospital in the village of Al-Malam. […]
Pozzalana: Volcanic Ash as Eco-friendly building material

MDPD has a partnership with Nyala University to conduct a comprehensive study that examines the potential innovative use of Pozzolanas local materials in Darfur, the study was based on the fact that fired clay bricks and wood continue to be the preferred construction material in Darfur and widely used, despite its serious environmental consequences. Environmental […]
Pottery space

Phase one: the pottery as a workshop and educational facility At this stage, the core program venue will be a pottery, which is a space that hosts educational workshops in 3D printing clay, making it possible for anyone to learn how to produce technological, functional, or sculptural ceramics. The workshops will give people the tools […]

South Darfur is considered among the richest states insofar as animal production is concerned in Sudan at large. The animal wealth in the state is estimated at (15,000,000) head as it constitutes a paramount livelihood source for plenty of population. The state possesses very rich and vast natural ranges due to its variable climate that […]
Post Conflict Recovery

Recovery and reconciliation efforts in Al-Malam started immediately in the aftermath of the Darfur war, which broke out in 2003. Al-Tayeb Mohammed Abdul-Rasoul, of Al-Malam, initiated these huge efforts based on the legacy of the “Ajawid”, which is the term for the mechanism of local leaders who mediate to resolve conflict and achieve reconciliation. It […]
Peace Committees

Peaceful Coexistence Conference, September 2018 Malam Darfur Peace & Development (MDPD) was established upon a deep understanding of the importance of peace and reconciliation in creating stability in war-torn Darfur communities since 2003. Al-Malam locality had been the center for the rural areas in South Darfur state before the war. Since the war broke out, it reflected […]
Other Contributions of Women

Women contribute to efforts to preserve the environment and combat the effects of climate change by preserving and expanding fertile land and vegetation. In this context, MDPD established a partnership with Potential Energy to enable women to use an eco-friendly cooking stove that greatly reduces the use of firewood. The eco-friendly cooking stove speeds cooking […]