Renewable Energy

Renewable energy, such as solar, wind and bio gas, are a key elements in promoting social development. MDPD implements vital infrastructure projects in the field of water, education, health, agriculture and livestock in areas where there is no electricity. Therefore, MDPD sought to provide this component with comprehensive studies of the possibility of exploiting the […]

State of The Village Address

The development of the society and its promotion to monitor the progress and modernity is a delicate process that requires regular work to educate society about the development goals and the means to achieve them. This work would also prepare them to be an original partner who will be responsible for achieving the goals and […]

Um Dasho Water Project

Um Dasho Water Project is one of the most vital projects carried out by MDPD, immediately following the projects of the early recovery phase. The village of Um Dasho is located east of Al-Malm, and it is one of its main sections. It is also at the center of the eastern villages of Al-Malam, Al-Kheir […]

Providing Fresh Water for the Returnees at KAILA

MDPD and USAID completed Solar-Powered Water Pumping Yard After its notable success in achieving multiple water well projects, MDPD and USAID have recently completed another project funded generously by the USAID to establish one of the most needed vital projects in Kaila, a small village in Northern South Darfur State where group of returnees has […]

Al-Mayarim Bank: First 500 women-owned projects funded

Since Malam Darfur Peace and Development (MDPD) launched the Peace and Development Project in 2011, women have played a key role in peacebuilding, reconciliation and recovery in Al-Malam community, which has been war-ridden and divided by the conflict that broke out in Darfur in 2003. At this stage, women led peacebuilding initiatives and development by […]

Women Leadership

Women in Al-Malam, and in Darfur in general, have been working historically alongside men in all aspects of life. In addition to women’s role as wives and mothers, women enjoy a prominent place in the community. They are the producers in rural communities and the most influential in guiding societies and leading them to achieve […]

First 500 women-owned projects funded

Since the beginning of the project of the Revival of Spirit, women have been the guide that opened the path of peace and has remained key player in all initiatives of recovery, reconstruction, production, economic growth and rehabilitation. Women’s participation ensured the success of community partnerships established by the MDPD in Al-Malam as well as […]

Vocational Training

Due to the prolonged displacement of a local population, as well as the population of most war-affected villages in Darfur, many young people have failed to attend school. MDPD is working on building a number of specialized vocational training centers in various fields to accommodate those who are lagging behind in education, as well as […]


Sports have been one of the most important activities for young people, and has been an essential activity in all educational stages. Sports have been one of the most important tools for the promotion of peace and social harmony, especially when societies face enormous challenges. In its efforts to build peace, MDPD has made sports […]