State of The Village Address


اقرأ أيضا

The development of the society and its promotion to monitor the progress and modernity is a delicate process that requires regular work to educate society about the development goals and the means to achieve them. This work would also prepare them to be an original partner who will be responsible for achieving the goals and maintaining them, as well as measuring success and failure, and drawing up future plans to accommodate the life-threatening changes in all fields.

To implement that role, MDPD’s “The State of the Village” presents an annual forum in which the organization receives a comprehensive speech summarizing the achievements of peace and development programs for a full year. The speech reviews the success of the programs in developing the status of the village, strengthening peace and social harmony, and characterizing aspects of failure and weaknesses

The speech is attended by thousands of residents of Al-Malam and its surrounding areas, and a number of residents of the neighboring localities in the northern sector of South Darfur state, as well as the organization’s guests from its partners in financing and implementing its programs.

MDPD will hold a series of town hall meetings, which will be open to residents of the region to speak out and contribute to decision-making to ensure the success of future projects.